ACM Celebrates Pride Month 2023

Read inspiring quotations from LGBTQ activists and computing professionals with our fun “Who Said It?” campaign which ran on ACM’s social media channels.

image containing a quote: There is this growth of a sense that is glorious...the more of us there are, the more of us there are, the more of us there are. And it's joyous.     image of Edith Windsor


image containing the quote: "If I wait for someone else to validate my existence, it will mean that I'm shortchanging myself."     image of Zanele Muhoil


image containing the quote: "I am proud, that I found the courage to deal the initial blow to the Hydra of public contempt."     image of Karl Heinrich Ulrichs


image containing the quote: "Equality means more than passing laws. The struggle is really won in the hearts and minds of the community, where it really counts."     image of Barbara Gitting


image containing the quote: "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance."     image of Oscar Wilde


image containing the quote: "It taught me to learn, work hard, plan carefully, network properly, do the right things, to find the right kind of health to transition at that time."     image of Lynn Conway


image containing the quote: "I kept showing up to groups adding the 'T' to 'GLB.'"     image of Mary Ann Horton