New Open Access Model for ICPS: FAQs for Conference Organizers

How do I know if my conference proceedings will be included in the new model?

If the formal Call for Papers for your conference will be posted on the conference website on or after January 1, 2024, your proceedings will be published in the new model. Otherwise, the current publishing model (with fees paid by the conference organizer) will apply.

How will the new model affect production charges for conference publication?

In the new Open Access publishing model for ICPS, there are no production charges to conference organizers, and the previous scale of optional Open Access charges does not apply because all ICPS papers will automatically be made OA. The other details of the ICPS production process remain unchanged.

What new deadlines and other requirements should I be aware of?

Your application to publish in ICPS should be submitted as early as possible, and must be received at least 60 days prior to the paper submission deadline of the conference.

Upon approval of your proceedings for publication in ICPS, you will be sent an email with further information for authors that must be posted on the Call for Papers page of your conference website.

For proceedings that will be published simultaneously with the conference, metadata upload into the ACM rights system for approved articles must be completed no later than 70 days before the start of the conference. All applicable article processing charges (APCs) are due from authors by this deadline.

What support will ACM offer to ICPS authors who are required to pay article processing charges?

As indicated in the description of the new ICPS publishing model, many authors will not be required to pay an APC. For those who are required to pay, further guidance is provided here.

What happens if an author is unable to pay their APC?

For any corresponding author who is required to pay an APC and has committed to do so, but is unable to meet the payment deadline, the paper will still be published in the proceedings. ACM will extend a reasonable grace period for those authors to make their payments. If an APC remains unpaid at the end of the grace period, ACM may decide to take further action in individual cases.

Authors without access to APC funding who do not otherwise qualify for an APC waiver may be eligible for a needs-based waiver. Authors should write to [email protected].

Is the application process for ICPS also changing?

No. Please follow the current process described here, noting that your application must be received at least 60 days prior to the paper submission deadline of the conference.

If I have questions or concerns about the new model, how should I contact ACM?

We recognize that the forthcoming change in the publishing model for ICPS may initially add some complexity and uncertainty to your conference planning process. If you have any questions, or are in any doubt as to what steps you need to take, please do not hesitate to write to us at [email protected].