• Education Board

      Alison Derbenwick Miller  
      Elizabeth Hawthorne  
    Past Chair
      Chris Stephenson  
      Diana Burley  
      Thomas Cortina  
      Michelle Craig  
      Judith Gal-Ezer  
      Amruth Kumar  
      Paul Leidig  
      Andrew McGettrick  
      Briana Morrison  
    Fay Cobb Payton  
      Susan Reiser  
      Mihaela Sabin  
      Cara Tang  
      Jake Baskin  
    ACM Headquarters (ACM CEO)
      Yan Timanovsky
      Jane Prey  
  • Education Advisory Committee

      Megan Bowen
      Leigh Ann Delyser  
      Ellen Hause
      David Joyner  
      Alvaro Monge  
      Joyce Nakatumba-Nabende
      Tamara Pearson  
      Christian Servin  
      Venky Shankararaman
      Jodi Tims  
      Cindy Tucker  
      Ellen Walker  
      Stuart Zweben  
    Chair, Committee for Computing Education in Community Colleges
      Markus Geissler
    Headquarters Liaison
      Yan Timanovsky  
      Alison Clear  
      Robert Schnabel  
    SIGCSE Representative
      Rodrigo Duran
    SIGCAS Representative
      Richard Blumenthal  
    SIGCHI Representative
      Olivier St-Cyr  
    SIGGRAPH Representative
      Susan Reiser  
    SIGHPC Representative
      Steven Gordon  
    SIGPLAN Representative
      Matthias Hauswirth  

Create a Report by Using a Custom Theme Lab

In this Challenge Lab, you will create a report by using a custom theme. First, you will prepare data, and then you will create a custom theme. Finally, you will create a report, and then you will publish the report. Note: Once you begin the Challenge Lab, you will not be able to pause, save, or exit and then return to your Challenge Lab.

Featured Learning Resource: Create a Report by Using a Custom Theme  Lab