New Open Access Model for ICPS: FAQs for Conference Authors

How can I tell whether I will be required to pay an article processing charge?

Many authors will not be required to pay an APC. Please refer to our guidance for authors for further details. 

What is the deadline for payment for APCs?

For proceedings that are to be published simultaneously with the conference, the payment deadline is 70 days prior to the start of the conference.

What happens if I am required to pay an APC but am unable to complete my payment by the payment deadline?

For any corresponding author who is required to pay an APC and has committed to do so, but is unable to meet the payment deadline, the paper will still be published in the proceedings. ACM will extend a reasonable grace period for those authors to make their payments. If an APC remains unpaid at the end of the grace period, ACM may decide to take further action in individual cases.

Authors without access to APC funding who do not otherwise qualify for an APC waiver may be eligible for a needs-based waiver. Authors should write to [email protected].

If I have questions or concerns about the new model, how should I contact ACM?

Please feel free to write to [email protected].