International Conference Proceedings Series

IMPORTANT NOTE: If the formal Call for Papers for your conference will be released on or after January 1, 2024, please read this information about an important change in the publishing model for ICPS before completing the application process below.

To propose a conference for publication in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series, please complete the application form:

You can expect a response to your application within 4-6 weeks. There is a nonrefundable application fee of $50. If your application is successful, modest production charges will apply. Please note that ACM will NOT begin the production process for your proceedings until the invoice is paid in full. Note also that no refunds can be issued for individual papers subsequently pulled from the proceedings for any reason (e.g. no-shows, fail to present, author requests for withdrawal from the published proceedings, etc.). Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

ACM requires that all event organizers complete an ICPS Publishing Agreement at the time the application is submitted. Please review a sample copy of the ICPS Publishing Agreement before submitting your application. Failure to meet the obligations specified in the agreement may delay or prevent publication of your conference in the ICPS program.

Conference organizers may not refer to ACM sponsorship or use the ACM name or logo in communications to authors or anywhere on the conference website. Prior to approval of their ICPS application, conference organizers may not refer to publication in ICPS nor use the ICPS name or logo. Misuse of the ACM or ICPS names or logos in these ways may result in rejection of ICPS applications.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions.